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10 Landing Page Hacks that will Double your Sales!


Hacking into the ever-changing industry best practices can significantly change your conversions – we are talking up to 10X more sales (and even more). With our expertise in what makes landing pages click, we bring you 10 Landing Page Hacks that will Double your Sales!

In a way, landing pages make or break websites.


Are you ready to make more money on your landing page? 

Simply because these are the ones that sell and convert for your business. 

1.Organize your landing page

Work discussion

First things first, if you really want to increase conversions, you have to direct your audience to it. 

This means weeding out all the unimportant tabs other than the CTA. Allow them to focus on getting the product rather than hover around the page and then bounce out. 

Avoid using long winding paragraphs and get a CTA for each of the sections. Reduce navigation buttons to a minimum on your landing page and you are ready with your first step towards double conversions!

2.Improve loading speeds

Let’s put this straight: 3 seconds is all you have to get your visitor’s attention!  And the last thing you want them to do during this brief moment is to wait for the page to load. 

Statue thinking

Some tips you can utilize to increase page load speeds: 

  • Reduce high-resolution graphics or videos 
  • Keep track of loading time and page weight 
  • Compress images before uploading 

You can check out several fast-loading templates online ready with all the tools and widgets you need. 

3.Engage your audience (& increase leads by 108%)

The internet has been around for some time now and using the same old gimmicks on your landing page may not be enough. 

One of the alternatives to asking your audience to buy your product is to engage with them. 

Use a pop-up quiz – ask them what their goals are and other questions whose obvious answer is going to be your service or product. 

When you engage with the audience and ask them questions, they feel like the product or service is personalized to their problems – thus making them more likely to buy! 

Also Read:

4. Clear sells more

Clear Crystal BALL

8 out of 10 people read the heading.  Only 2 out of 10 people read the rest of the landing page. 

What does that mean? 

Use headings that are direct and clear. Avoid using wordings like “revolutionize”, “success”, and other low-value jargon. Tell your audience exactly why they need to be on this page and how you can help them achieve their goals. 

Modern landing pages are about clear succinct messaging that helps users find out what they need to know to avail of the product/ service. 

5.Use exit pop-ups

You will be considered among the lucky few if 3 out of every 100 visitors convert. 

Which is why you should use an exit pop-up and ensure that you have the names and emails of the 97 other people. 

Exit pop-ups are essentially lead magnets that pop up when a visitor is looking to leave the site. The magnet offers an easy downloadable in exchange for the personal details. 

This way you can later engage these visitors using other marketing tools later! 

6. Make things look good

Lady decorating X- Mas tree

If your landing page looks shabby and unattractive, it isn’t likely that visitors will stay on to read what you have to offer. 

How do you make sure this does not happen? 

Make your landing page look good. Keep texts to the point, use easy CTAs, implement colourful design, and make sure your overall feel is aligned with whatever you are selling. 

Look out for the best landing pages online and you will understand why some of them convert more than others. 

7. Use geo location

For businesses that offer products specific to region, using geo location IP tracking on your website is indispensable. 

Believe us – you really want people who are looking for products and services to know you can give them what they need exactly where they are.  Just like we gave you these 10 hacks that will double your sale 😜

This simple change can amp your conversions to the next level and bring you targeted leads that are just waiting to make you money! 

To know more about Geo Location:

8. Keep your landing pages responsive

Person using mobile

No matter how great the design and copy on your landing page is, if you do not have a responsive one, your lead generation is going to suffer. 

Around 50% of the traffic on the web comes from mobiles and your page needs to respond well on any device. Otherwise, you might significantly decrease page visitors and hence, leads, hence this is one of the hacks that will double your sale definitely

9. Bump your sales with check-out bumps

Selling more becomes easier when you upsell. 

Getting a checkout bump before the buying page that offers a “once in a lifetime deal” could help you make a lot of money. All you need to do is make them an offer they won’t want to refuse. This could be giving them a super special deal that saves them a lot of money and costs them just a little more than whatever they were going to buy. 

10. Get them curious

Our last landing page trick is a bit of a googly. 

Curious Guy

When we say get them curious, we mean ask them for more information and maybe sensationalize your product/ service a little bit. Use wordings like: 

“you will not believe what the results are!”

Or “are you ready to find out what your business can do to make more money?”

Once you have them hooked with curiosity, they are more likely to give their number, email, and name. 

They are also likely to buy more. Just because you were able to spark questions in them. Neat, right? 

Follow these 10 Landing Page Hacks that will Double your Sales and watch your leads and conversions grow rapidly. 

You can get in touch with us to say thank you for our hacks or decide to make more money through your business with our comprehensive marketing solutions!

In either case, book a free consultation NOW!